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Hi there. Hope you are all doing well during this challenging time.

I am one of the fortunate ones that is able to shift from working from the office to working from home.

As time passed these last few weeks I noticed one of my dogs Kia getting into a different routine. Our morning routine prior to C19 was get up, eat then go out to go to the bathroom.  She nows gets up eats then looks outside for a bit and comes back in. Later in the day she will come into my home office to let me know she needs out to go to the bathroom.

Now don’t me wrong there is nothing wrong with the change in routine. The challenge will come when we start returning back to work.

For some folks there will be little notice to return back to work. Others will have some time.

If you fall into the group that will have little notice to return to work you might want to try and keep your pets in the same routine they had. This will make it easier on your pet when you return to work.

For the others watch for signs that you could be called back to work and it’s time to work on getting your pet(s) back into their old routine.

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