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As the weather starts to start warming up, we like to remind all pet owners to be very cautious with your pets around water sources such as lakes, ponds creeks etc. Keep pets off /away from the water

The edges may be strong enough to support their weight a bit further out might not.

If you can’t rely on your dog to stick close and come when called, you’re best option is to keep them  on a leash

Should your dog go thru the ice.

If anyone/anything falls into icy water, the first thing to do is to call 911. While 911 is well-equipped for these situations, in the meantime, you can attempt to reach the person by using a stick, rope, or ladder — anything that is long-reaching. Do not try and stand up on the ice you too may go thru.

In the mean time you can try and coax your dog out with treats or toys. In some cases the dog may be able to get out on its own.

Once your dog is out of the water wrap the dog in a blanket and watch for signs of hypothermia

  • Shivering
  • Low breathe
  • Low pulse

If you dog is shivering violently or has stopped get them to the vet asap these are signs of severe hypothermia and require treatment by our vet.

You may want to take your dog to a vet after just to get them checked out, there is a possibility they could have swallowed water.

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